Most business’ first interaction with a customer is through the phone, and thus, how many people perceive the professionalism of your business. If answering phones and routing calls is an issue for your business or if your receptionist needs some improvement, an automated attendant can help with some of the biggest issues your company has answering phones.
Your business operates beyond 9-to- 5 and in multiple time zones
Most receptionists are strictly 9-to-5, whereas other staffers are in earlier or later. The irony is that when someone calls in before nine or after five, the call is most likely going straight to voicemail–even if the caller actually needs to speak to an employee who is in the office!
This is where the automated attendant comes in to play; with the ability to automatically route calls to the appropriate employee it brings your business a step closer to being available 24/7.
You have multiple locations, but customers only want one phone number to call
Customers may or may not realize that you have multiple business locations. Either way, they certainly only want to have one number to dial when they need to get in touch with you. An automated attendant will seamlessly route calls to remote workers and offsite locations. If they have to hang up and call multiple numbers just to reach different departments, they will only get frustrated and give up. Automated attendants vastly improve the ultimate goal of easily connecting customers to employees.
Busy, Busy, Busy!
Perhaps your business has a double duty administrative assistant who answers phone calls and oversees multiple projects. If your phone is ringing off the hook, that assistant will begin to treat incoming calls as an interruption and nuisance. If phone calls are beginning to sabotage your staff’s other duties, an automated attendant will greatly reduce the headaches in your office.