Despite all of our technological advances, business is still done by people. This means that in order to work, we need to communicate WITH PEOPLE. And believe it or not, face-to-face communication is a dying art form in today’s business world.
Business Communication Tips
Pay attention to the way you say things. When it comes to Business Communication, remember that tone is everything. Of course what you say matters, but how you say it is what differentiates great communicators from the crowd. Have you ever had someone get mad at something you said, telling you, “It’s Not What You Said, it’s How You Said it?” Well, that is the principal we are going to discuss today.
The way you say things is almost more important than what you say. Just take the following example:
- Phrase 1: “I can’t do that until tomorrow.”
- Phrase 2: “I can do that tomorrow.”
Now which phrase do you think is best? Both say the exact same thing, only one of them says it with a positive tone. This gives the impression that you care about the situation and, more importantly, the person you are communicating with. This will help foster a good working relationship.
- Make Eye Contact: Body language plays a major role in the way people perceive what you have to say. Don’t look up at the ceiling or down at your shoes. Make eye contact. This helps establish a connection, shows respect, and shows the person you are talking to that you care about what you have to say. After all, if you do not care, why should they?
- Be Genuine: People can tell when you are not being genuine. So be straight with people. This helps foster a sense of trust and mutual respect.
- Connect, Don’t Command: When in a leadership role, it is easy to command. It is easy to tell people what to do. However, great leaders connect with their peers and subordinates, alike.
- Tone: If you take one thing away from this blog, let it be that tone matters. Stay positive and present your ideas or perspective in a positive way. Remember, it is not always what you say, it is how you say it.
Hopefully you have found these Tips for Improving Your Business Communication Skills helpful. If you have any questions, please contact Advanced Communication Solutions by calling 1-800-750-3624 or visit today! You can also follow Advanced Communication Systems on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.