All hardware has firmware. Firmware is basically the unit that controls your hardware and dictates how it will behave. Unlike software (which manages what you can do with the hardware), it runs the operations itself. You can think of firmware as background programming that runs the hardware. In terms of an IP Phone, it controls the overall functioning of the phone (i.e. incoming and outgoing calls).
Why to update firmware on IP phones
Your firmware is essentially the brain of your hardware. Therefore, it is vital that you keep it maintained. In the long run, keeping it updated will save you a lot of time and money. Hardware manufactures frequently release free updates for their customers.
Updates on IP phones fix bugs, add new features, and enhance existing features
Because the firmware updates are free, there’s no reason not to take advantage of them. The best way to think of them is as a maintenance procedure. By upgrading them, it ensures that it will operate in the best possible condition. Not only do they typically come with features that weren’t there previously, but functions will run smoother and bugs will get fixed. Furthermore, updates often include enhanced security procedures.
Regularly updating on your IP phone provides security and new features
Failing to update your firmware can lead to serious complications. Even simple functions can become excruciatingly slow. Oftentimes, if you identify a bug in the system, the only way to fix it is to update the firmware. Overall, your system simply doesn’t run as it did when you first purchased it.
To sum up, just because the firmware upgrades aren’t mandated doesn’t mean that you should put them off or skip them altogether. Remember, they’re free so there’s no excuse in neglecting to take advantage of them. If you have any business phone system questions, please contact us. You can also follow us on LinkedIn.