Avaya understands that customer retention is a—if not the—key to running a successful business. As outlined in previous posts, customer retention, like customer acquisition, affords businesses a revenue source. Unlike customer acquisition, however, customer retention does not come with the sometimes heavy costs of attracting new customers.
That’s a huge advantage! Put simply, you’re making money at a lower cost of doing business. When you work with existing customers, you’re spending less money on your sales and marketing mechanisms, leaving more in the pot for other improvements to your business, or (cha-ching!) profits.
Now the disclaimer, and we can speak from our own business model: Taking customers for granted and investing nothing in customer retention is absolutely, 100-percent a no-go. While less expensive then customer acquisition, customer retention must still be nurtured. We put this principle into practice every day. We’re sure your business does as well, but we also believe that there is always room for improvement when it comes to customer retention.
So on what areas should we focus to improve our customer retention?
Let’s look at a hypothetical situation:
A small business owner is reading a local newspaper in a coffee shop on a Sunday afternoon. She notices a feature story about a competitor in the paper’s lifestyle section. She wonders how she can improve her business’s media presence, and she emails her marketing firm while the idea is still in her head. Twenty minutes later, her cell phone rings. It’s a representative from the firm, who immediately works with her to put together an action plan.
Do you think the small business owner has a favorable or unfavorable impression of her marketing firm? Do you think she will continue to use the firm for her marketing needs?
To look at it from another perspective, has the marketing firm achieved, in this case, customer retention?
The answer is yes—the marketing firm likely has a very solid track record of customer retention, thanks to its superior communication capabilities.
We know the importance of top-notch communication capabilities, and their direct link to customer retention. Our phone systems are not simply phone systems, but fully-integrated systems bringing together the most-used forms of direct and rapid communication, including telephone, email and text messaging.
Whether a customer calls, emails or texts, your business—with the help of Avaya—will be able to respond quickly, courteously and effectively.
What if the small business owner wants to bring other parties into the marketing discussion, in real time? Avaya products have full conference call and even video capabilities.
With Avaya, your business’s customer retention can only improve.
Interested in learning more about how Avaya can improve customer retention for your business? Contact Advanced Communication Systems at 1-800-750-3624 or visit BuyTelephoneSystem.com today! You can also follow Advanced Communication Systems on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.