Unified Communications have multiple advantages. What is the main objective of any call center? Call resolution. That is what a call center is created for – to answer and resolve multiple calls. Unified Communications contributes to improved Call Resolution rates in many ways.
1. Remote Agents – Mobility, the end all be all in today’s business world! The ability to work from home or any location means increased availability, flexibility and productivity. When more agents are available at more times, it becomes easier to resolve calls with the utmost efficiency.
2. Presence – Call Center agents that are on call can use Presence to quickly identify workers that are available to join the call or provide advice in another way like Instant Message. Instead of inconveniencing a customer by putting them on hold or worst yet, sending them to an unavailable worker, an agent can stay on the call while seeking a solution.
3. Collaboration – Call Center agents have the ability to work together more quickly and efficiently with Unified Communications. By utilizing screensharing, IM, or drag-and-drop conferencing resolutions are reached more promptly and efficiently. There are many alternative methods that can be used if agents are on another call so that they can be reached.
If you want to see an increase in your call resolution rate, make Unified Communications a necessary part of your Call Center!