Feeling frustrated with the lack of options your old phone system leaves you? Is your boss’ moto “it’s not broken so don’t fix it”? It’s your job to make a case to update your small business phone system.
Back in the 90’s voicemail was new and very costly. Chances are your boss thinks that an upgrade would be expensive, but he couldn’t be more wrong. The newest in small business phone systems is a buy as you go approach. This means that you only buy the parts and licensing that your company needs. You can buy in individual sizes and not in bulk like the 90’s. Have a telecommunication vendor meet with you and take a walk through your building so that he can gear the proposal around your company’s individual needs.
Hybrid Small Business Phone Systems
Your boss may be curious about VOIP. Any hosted or IP phone system takes a network structure in place. If you work in an older building it may be costly to re-cable for the newest technology. With a hybrid type small business phone system you can probably use your older wiring and have digital phones.
What Irks You?
How do you convince your boss to get a business phone system? Point out your coworker who is in the field and asking you to take his calls while he is out of the office. It would be much more productive to take advantage of newer options such as “twinning” to alleviate this issue altogether.
Schedule a Demo
Seeing is believing. Schedule a demo for your boss so that he can see firsthand how much more productive the office would be by upgrading the business phone system. Your telecommunication vendor lives and breathes this technology and can educate you and your boss of all of the newest options to make work much simpler!