Call Parking is one of the best features of a modern Business Phone System. When you put a call on park, you are essentially putting down a call but not cutting off the caller. It is similar to putting them on hold but with numerous benefits. For one, it frees up the line (as well as the employee who picked up the call). If a call is put on hold, the line is still tied up. Secondly, any employee can pick up a parked call. This is not the case with a call that is simply put on hold. These aren’t the only two benefits, however. Here is how Call Parking can create a more agile Business Phone System:
Frees Up Agents
As mentioned above, with Call Parking your agents are free to take other calls. Conversely, if they put the caller on hold, they are not freeing up the line. One example where Call Parking is advantageous is if your employee requires help from their technical team to solve a customer issue. While the technical team works, your employee can take another call. This is not possible if the caller is simply placed on hold. This can help improve productivity and efficiency for your teams.
Improved Caller Experience
Call Park permits users to approximate an attended transfer, even if your provider does not offer this feature. By having this feature, you can have a smoother call experience for all of your callers.
You don’t actually require a dedicated desk phone to take advantage of Call Park. Even if you just have VoIP apps for mobile or desktop, you can still park calls and pick them up with any device and from any location. In other words, your remote workers and softphone users can take advantage of Call Parking.
If you have any questions regarding Business Phone Systems, please contact Advanced Communication Systems today at 800-750-3624. Please feel free to also follow us on Twitter.