Yes, email is often times faster and easier. However, nothing works quite as well as speaking to someone live–whether it is in person or on the phone. Yet, people often see phones as an annoyance. Perhaps you don’t want to bother someone so you send them a text or an email. Maybe you assume you will just get their voicemail so why bother?
Before you make either of those assumptions though, think of this; a recent study indicated that emotions portrayed in our own voices often influence our moods. The findings, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), suggest that not only do we use our own voice to communicate emotions to those around us, but we go as far as to hear our own voice to better understand how we are feeling. For example, if our voice sounds too sad, we feel sad. It works both ways too; if we sound happy, we feel happier!
This could go a long way in explaining why talking maximizes the impact of a conversation. Consequentially, if you want to build a successful relationship with someone, it is best to meet them in person or pick up the phone. The exchange will be significantly different than it would have via text.
So the next time you want to share important details with someone, why not pick up the phone? The results might surprise you!