Many businesses these days are beginning to make the switch to SIP Trunking. However, you shouldn’t go in completely blind; it is important to ask questions and understand the technology. After all, for businesses who have only known traditional business phone systems, switching to internet-based telecommunications is a big decision. Here are some of the things you should know beforehand.
What is SIP Trunking?
SIP stands for Session Initiation Protocol. It is a way that you can signal and control multimedia communication sessions. SIP Trunking is how you can deliver voice via the Internet. SIP Trunks are a great way to replace normal phone carrier contracts.
Is SIP Identical to VoIP?
Unfortunately, SIP and VoIP are often used to indicate the same thing. This, however, is not the case. VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol and can mean any type of call over the internet. SIP, on the other hand, is used to indicate one specific type of VoIP. It is not the only type of VoIP though.
What is a SIP Channel?
A SIP channel indicates either one incoming or outgoing call. Each individual SIP Trunk can support any number of SIP channels. The great thing about SIP is that you can purchase channels solely based on how many your specific business requires.
How Complicated is Setup and Maintenance?
Another great benefit of SIP is that you don’t have to be an expert to install and maintain it. All you need to do is locate a SIP Trunking vendor. Your vendor should have a support team and a simple admin portal. Just because you’re not a technology expert doesn’t mean you can’t make the switch to SIP Trunking.
How Do SIP Calls Sound?
Many businesses hesitate making the switch to SIP Trunking because they fear a decrease in audio quality. SIP Trunking, as long as your provider has the proper Teir-1 networks and router configurations, does not have any audio quality problems.
If you have any questions regarding SIP Trunking, or Business Phone Systems, please contact Advanced Communication Systems today at 800-750-3624. Please feel free to also follow us on Twitter.