There is a vast array of small business phone systems on the market. When a small business wants to upgrade or switch to a different phone system, the choices can seem overwhelming. Many small businesses operate on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. This is the same network that connects employees, devices, and information recourses. Thus, how does a small business choose the most appropriate phone system for their specific business? We’ve assembled the most important considerations when buying a small business phone system below.
Know What Your Users Need
At the end of the day, your small business phone system only needs to do one thing: give your people the tools to be more efficient. Do your workers need one phone number to ring to multiple devices? Do they need prompt access to mobile communication or video? Therefore, these are features and capabilities you may want to include:
- The ability to make and receive calls from smartphones or tablets
- Automated attendant
- Mobile softphones, for using a computer as a phone
- Video or web conferencing support
- Paging and intercom
- Unified messaging (including email, text message, or phone notifications)
- Instant Messaging
Be Prepared for Change
A great small business phone system can change the way your employees conduct their daily workflow. While all change requires an adjustment period, it should be a good change! A new small business phone system that doesn’t improve the way your office functions, probably isn’t the one for you.
Reduce Your IT Costs
The fantastic thing about small business IP phone systems is that they also consolidate your communications into one platform. Not only does this decrease IT strains, but it also reduces communications expenses.
Talk to Your Trusted Advisor
Before making a purchase, you should always speak to a provider or vendor. They are knowledgeable in what features and capabilities best fit your company’s business goals.
If you have any questions business phone system questions, please contact us. You can also follow us on LinkedIn.