Believe it or not, switching Business Phone Systems can be a great way to save money. You may not know it, but your current system could be quite expensive. Many owners are switching to VoIP for not only the cash savings but other benefits and features. Nevertheless, it can be tough to know if switching your Business Phone System is a good move for your company. The best way to figure it out is to know what questions to ask. You should, for example, ask:
Who Was the Solution Designed For?
Small businesses and large corporations have very different needs when it comes to Business Phone Systems. The best provider offers a system designed for small businesses but includes enterprise level features. Doing this gives you the best of both worlds.
Can I Keep My Current Phone Number?
When switching systems, it is ideal to retain your current phone number. After all, it is the one that all of your customers know you by. When switching your Business Phone System, be sure to ask whether or not you can keep your number.
What Extra Features Come with Your System?
Upgrading your system is an opportunity not just to save money, but to get some modern features. You’ll want a system that has hold music, call routing, auto attendants, etc. These are now standards in the business world that most customers expect to experience when they call a company.
What Support Options Are Available?
There is always the chance that you will need help with your new system. What support options does your new provider offer? You can’t have your Business Phone System go down for an extended period of time. Is it easy to get in touch with someone who can help rectify the issue?
If you have any questions regarding Business Phone Systems please contact Advanced Communication Systems today at 800-750-3624. Please feel free to also follow us on Twitter.